Spoiled Rich Woman Flips Off Truck Driver, His Revenge Is Priceless
David laid on the horn of his truck and yelled out loud, “What on earth is she thinking?!” Despite his continued honking, the woman behind the wheel of the small luxury car in front of David just wouldn’t budge. And her reason for doing so seemed to simply be to show off her sense of self-importance to the world.
But David couldn’t let her cause a traffic jam because of her own selfishness. He decided right then to let this woman know that she picked the wrong person to mess with that day…
No Way Out

David needed to be on his way and get out of his spot quickly. His day had a rough start and he was already late for his upcoming appointments. But just as he turned his car on, he realized that he was blocked in his parking spot. What was the car in front of him doing? Why were they just standing still?
Laying On the Horn

David could see that there was someone inside the car, so he started honking. David wasn’t an impatient guy, so he was happy to give this person the time they needed to get going. His honking would probably do the trick to get this person’s attention. But instead of moving out of David’s way, the person behind the wheel gave him the middle finger.
Speaking His Mind

David couldn’t believe what he had just seen. No more being the nice guy, he decided in that moment. He rolled down his window and began to yell at the car ahead of him. He told them that they were parked illegally and they have to move now or he would have them towed. But the driver had no plans to move their car any time soon.
Mind Your Business!

The window of the car in front of David soon came down too. David noticed that it was a young woman behind the wheel who was obviously angry. She shouted back at David that he should mind his own business. She also said that she could do whatever she wanted to because she was doing “important work.” What exactly was she working on?
He Got Angry

These remarks made David even angrier. He was in the middle of his work; he had important cargo to deliver and if he didn’t leave now, he might not make it on time. So he did the only thing he could think of to do next. He got out of his truck and stormed towards the open driver’s window. He was stunned to see that the young woman was texting and refused to even look up at him.

He knocked on the roof of the girl’s car, which made her to drop her phone to make eye contact. They then started discussing the situation, and David didn’t need long to realize what kind of woman he was dealing with. She was smug and had absolutely no respect for him or the situation at hand.
Talking Down to Him

Even though she didn’t say it to him directly, everything that came from the girl's mouth insinuated that she felt that he was below her. Her father apparently, in her words, could buy the whole company he worked for and have him on the street tomorrow. She thought that David “needed to know his place in society.”
Should I Call the Cops?

David was truly shocked by her words. He knew that this kind of person existed but he had never actually encountered someone like this spoiled young girl in his real life. Only when David threatened to call the police to resolve things for them did she decide to move. He knew that was probably more trouble than this discussion was worth, but it was the only thing she responded to.
Flipping the Bird

As the car drove off, David was still angry from the assortment of curse words the young woman had thrown at him. When he looked up from the wheel when he was back in the car, David saw her middle finger being raised high out of her window all the way down the road until he couldn't see her vehicle anymore.
His Dashboard Camera

Just before she had driven off completely, David quickly noted her license plate number. This could have been the end of things, although David would not let that be the case. David had been capturing the whole ordeal of what happened on his dashboard camera without the girl noticing it.
Planning his Payback

This battle was going to be continued, David decided. He really wanted to teach this obviously spoiled, young, and overly rich woman a lesson. Otherwise, people like her would never change. Not even five minutes had passed since the indecent when David decided how he was going to get his revenge.
He Did His Research

But first he quickly rushed to complete his job in time. After successfully delivering his truckload, he looked up the plate number on his laptop. David found out that the car was registered in the city he was in. Since she had driven off in that direction, David knew what he had to do next…
Making Plans

The next cargo David had to haul wouldn’t be ready until the following morning, so he had the whole evening to himself to plan out his revenge. The truck driver quickly made his way to his hotel room for the night and even though he was exhausted, he started executing his master plan.
A Police Connection

David felt lucky to have a friend on the police force with access to a lot of databases. With this connection's help, he could figure out where the car was actually registered. If his energy would let him, he could surely drive past her house that night.
Practically a Mansion

David went through with his plan and at the location the car was registered at he found the vehicle that was blocking him that afternoon. It was parked, as expected, on a driveway in front of a large villa. One thing was certain: the girl had not been lying about her or her parents’ wealth.
Details About Her Life

David parked across the street from the massive house and got out of his car with a flashlight in his hand. He then walked up to the unsuspecting girl’s driveway. When he read the names on the mailbox, he could see that there were multiple people living at this address. Judging by their last names, this probably meant that the spoiled young woman was still living with her parents.
She Was Dependent On Her Parents

David considered this meant that this girl most likely had not achieved anything on her own in her life and that she was still living off of her parents’ money. David felt satisfied with his search, as this situation was ideal for the plan he had in mind. What was the truck driver up to?
He Took Notes

David took a notebook out of his back pocket and quickly wrote down the names on the mailbox before anyone spotted him. Fortunately, he was quick enough to silently get away without anyone noticing his snooping. He quickly drove back to his hotel, ready for the next phase of his plan…
He Found Her Social Media

Back behind his laptop and with the name of the rich girl written down, it was not difficult to find her social media pages. After looking around on a couple of social media platforms, it became much clearer who she was and why she did not care about blocking a truck driver like she had done.
Her Latest Post

The latest photo she posted was a selfie in her "brand new car," which her father had gifted her. He could literally see his own truck in the background of her photo. So this is what the young woman meant when she told him she was doing important work.
Her Hurtful Words

The post was accompanied by the text, "LOL, the truck driver behind me was honking like crazy when I took this selfie. Like he has no respect for me at all. It's a free country idiot! Maybe I should ask daddy to buy his company and have him fired hahaha."
Life Isn’t Fair

Seeing all of this frustrated David even more. How could somebody like this have everything they could ever want in life while he was slaving away for barely enough money to get by? The world was unfair, but David had already known this for a long time.
Focused on His Plan

He tried to take a few deep breaths and catch his composure again. He could not let himself get too emotional about this. He needed to stay focused on teaching this spoiled rich girl the lesson she needed to learn. He was going to make sure she would never do this to anyone again...
Working Through the Night

David spent nearly that entire night behind his laptop, working out his plan and making sure that he could set his revenge in motion the following morning. He was incredibly tired when he woke up after just a few hours of sleep, but his work was done...
He Had to Let it Go

In the morning, David gathered a new load of cargo and started to head out. He was a little sad that he wouldn’t get to stick around and see what was about to happen, but there wasn’t enough extra time in his schedule to stay in town any longer. The girl had no idea what was waiting for her.
She Had No Idea

The rich girl woke up like it was any other day. She didn’t know anything about what the truck driver had been up to last night, and she wasn’t even thinking about the incident the day before. She was focused on the day ahead of her — and that was her first mistake.
Her Day Started Like Any Other

She didn’t like rushing around first thing in the morning, so she stuck to her usual routine of sleeping late, having a light meal, and then waking herself up by swimming a few laps. She didn’t have a care in the world. But her morning was only peaceful because she had no idea what was happening online.
Her Usual Routine

The girl had an important rule about her mornings. She didn’t like to use her phone or the internet for the first two hours after she woke up. She was online so much that she needed space away from technology to keep her mind clear. But there were consequences to being disconnected from the world around her for that long…
New Messages

Since the girl hadn’t looked at her phone since before she went to bed the night before, she had no way of knowing what was going on. Her phone had been alerting with notification after notification for hours. By the time she was ready to log on for the day, there was nothing she could do to stop what was already in motion.
Unending Notifications

When the girl picked up her phone that day, she almost dropped it straight on the floor. It was hot to the touch, and when she tried to unlock it, the screen wouldn’t work properly. There were so many messages and texts that her phone couldn’t keep up!
Going Viral

At first, the girl was excited. She figured that something she had done had finally gone viral and started to get her attention from the internet. That was her dream. All she wanted was to be a famous influencer. She couldn’t wait to find out what had caused everyone to start paying that much attention to her.
Her Worst Nightmare

The girl’s wish had ended up coming true while she slept. Everyone was paying attention to her and messaging her for details about what was going on in her life. She’d gone viral all across the internet and social media, but it wasn’t for the reasons she wanted or expected.
Checking Her Notifications

Since her phone was still locked and wouldn’t open, the rich girl grabbed her computer to log on to her social media accounts and see what was going on. She fired up her laptop and started checking her social media accounts. She gasped out loud as she scrolled through her notifications and saw what people were saying.

The girl’s social media accounts were flooded with people calling her names and mocking her. Even her direct messages were full of strangers saying awful things. It wasn’t just on one account either. It seemed like people were targeting her everywhere that she appeared online. She started investigating, desperately trying to figure out what had happened.
Tagged in the Post

Finally, she figured out that the reason that she was going viral was because she was being tagged in the same post over and over again. She quickly read through the post to see why she was being linked to it. When she saw the reason, she felt sick to her stomach.
Rest Stop

Around the same time, David had been driving for hours and needed to take a break at a truck stop to rest and get some lunch. Plus, he was eager to know what was going on with his secret plan. He found a good place and pulled over. Once he was settled, he reached for his phone to check on the girl.
Laughing to Himself

David went to the rich girl’s social media accounts to see what was happening. He couldn’t believe it when he saw all the activity there. She was going to be famous in all the wrong ways. But just before he logged back out and went to get lunch, he noticed a notification that he hadn’t been expecting.
She Sent Him a Message

There was a message waiting in his inbox. David clicked on the notification and was surprised to see that someone had reached out to him directly. Most people who wanted to get in touch with him just called, knowing that he was often driving and unable to text. Slowly, he read through the message. When he reached the end, he was almost impressed.
Reaching Out

David had worked hard to make sure that his accounts couldn’t be traced, but it looked like the rich girl had managed to track him down on social media. She’d sent him several messages, and it was obvious that she knew she had found the right person. David wondered how she’d managed to find him…
He Didn’t Call Her Out

After David wrote his post, he sent it to different sites and social media pages around the internet. He hadn’t actually tagged her directly or given her any hint that he was on social media at all. He figured that others online would spread the video of the rich girl around. David never expected her to find him.
It Must Have Been Him

The rich girl knew everything there was to know about social media, so she’d been able to track him down almost immediately. No one else could have posted the video except David. When she found his accounts, she couldn’t resist messaging him. But what was she going to say?
She Threatened Him

In her messages, the girl asked David to remove the video before anyone else could see it. Even though she was asking for his help, she was clearly threatening him at the same time based on her tone. But once he’d failed to respond to her messages, she tried a different strategy instead.
A Different Strategy

When threatening David obviously hadn’t worked, the girl pleaded with him instead. She begged him to remove his posts and tried to figure out what he might want in return. The video was going to ruin her dreams forever. But there was one part of the situation that the girl just wasn’t seeing clearly.
No Control

The girl seemed to think that David had the power to erase the video from the internet, but that wasn’t the case. Once he’d posted it, other people had access to the video as well. They spread it all over the internet. There was nothing that David could do, but he did see one positive that would hopefully come out of the video.
Valuable Lesson

David hoped that the girl would remember the video as a lesson the next time she thought she was better than others or above the rules for how people should behave. When he saw how viral the video went, he couldn’t help but laugh a little. The people who were sharing it had no idea how the video had been made.
Caught on Camera

David’s truck had a camera on the dashboard to protect him in case he was ever in an accident. That camera had captured the video of the rich girl. He hadn’t even intended to record her, but once he had the video, he figured he might as well use it. The internet had played a role as well.
Finding the Girl

The rich girl was visible on camera, and with the social media accounts that David had added, it was obviously her on the screen. The internet had done the rest by tracking her down on other accounts. David thought about her messages for a while before deciding what to do.
Watching and Waiting

David didn’t reply to any of the rich girl’s messages, but he kept an eye on her social media as time went on to see how the public was reacting. When she posted new content, no one had anything nice to say about it. It seemed like the internet wasn’t going to let her off the hook so easily. The girl only had one choice left.
Giving Up

Eventually, the rich girl stopped updating her accounts and making new posts. It was impossible to make content when all she got were negative comments. David hoped she’d find a better job and think harder about her actions in her new career. It was a hard lesson, but maybe it was what she deserved.
The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.
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