$$ The entire doctors team couldn't stop screaming when they realized what this woman gave birth to

thumbnail : The entire medical team couldn't stop screaming when they realized what this woman gave birth to. Baby stores some of the fat under their skin because their developing bodies and brain need quick hits of energy all the time. Your baby might have have some body rolls or big soft cheeks. Don't worry, this kind of fat is normal and healthy for your baby. Every baby grows at their own rate. A mother of three explained that she wouldn't have any more children anytime soon after what she went through during her last delivery. She knew that she had large babies in the past because one child weighed about £9, while her other weighed close to £10 at birth. The mother expected that her third child would be on the heavier side as well because of how large she was during her pregnancy and based on the history of her other babies, when she was told just how much her little girl weighed, she was shocked. It implies you wish to blame the mother for any problem the baby may su...